2025 Information

Victoria Senior Mens Golf Club
2025 Information Sheet

Sign Up
You will be asked to provide a preference for your starting time (early, middle, late) and which days you plan to golf for the next month or so. You can also provide details of who you want to / don’t want to golf with.
The tee schedule will be prepared and sent out to you via email.
You can contact Gord Gitzel if you need to cancel or have your tee time changed.

Acceptance Into the League
You will be notified by email by April 19, 2025

Payment of Membership Fees
Payment can be made by cheque or e-transfer. A cheque can be made payable to Victoria Golf Course Senior Mens Club, attached to your application form and dropped off at the Victoria golf course pro shop. Make e-transfers to vicsmgc@gmail.com. The fee for 2025 is $110.

Start date
The first official league date is May 7, 2024   If weather permits, we will try to get in some earlier rounds.

Weekly green fees
The best value for most members is to purchase a Platinum Rewards Card which provides a discount on green fees, cart rentals and more. More inf is available HERE.

Tee Times
The tee times range from approximately 8 am until 10:15 in May and September and from 7:30 to 10:00 in June, July and August. Half of the golfers will start on the front nine while the other half will start on the back nine.

A schedule will be provide indicating either regular play or a planned tournament for each week. The schedule can be viewed HERE.

A schedule of prizes can be viewed HERE.

A $15 clubhouse restaurant card will be provided for the week of the Presidents Challenge and the second week of Club Championship.  There will be a windup buffet banquet at year end.

Private Operation of the 3 Municipal Golf Courses.

After a long and extended review of the possibility of undertaking private operation of the three municipal golf courses, the City has decided that this will not be an avenue that we will explore. The city golf courses will continue to operate under the same structure as we have done in the past with the City owning and maintaining the sites and contracting out food and beverage and pro shop operations.

Hole in One for Dennis Gignac

Dennis was the only one of our foursome that played from the black tee. All us old guys stayed out of the way on the road beside the 3rd hole back tee. For this reason, being blocked by the trees, none of us including Dennis actually saw the ball go into the hole.
We all proceeded up to the green and began looking for Dennis’s ball. Our balls were all visible but Dennis's ball was not. After the allowed time was spent searching without success Dennis played a second ball from where he thought it should have landed. The second ball he played landed and went into the cup in one stroke with lots shouting and congratulation.
When Dennis went to retrieve his second ball from the cup he found his first ball was also in the cup. Hence even more shouting and high fiveing and celebrating later.

And so ends the tale of Dennis's hole in one and birdie on the same hole.

Good afternoon everyone,

We are excited to announce that Hogan' s Alley Golf Ltd. has been awarded the Pro Services contract for Riverside Golf Course. Kevin Hogan and his team have a long standing relationship with our municipal golf courses and bring years of excellent customer service with a focus on great citizen experiences. Kevin will continue to provide Pro Shop Services for the Victoria Golf Course and the Victoria Driving Range and is looking forward to this new opportunity at Riverside. For the leagues at Riverside, please reach out to Kevin directly regarding bookings and related club matters so that his team can align activities for the coming golf season. Please share the announcement with your league members.

The Rundle Golf Course Professional Services contract is close to being finalized and we hope to make that announcement soon.

Michael Duerr,
Supervisor - Municipal Golf Courses, Muttart

New Season Information

It looks like Covid is going to influence the way we do things at least for part of the season.

We have prepared a budget and set the annual member fees at a reduced rate of $70. This is based mainly on the fact that we won’t be able to provide the free soup and sandwich meals and there will be no interclub play this year. We are optimistic about a wrap up banquet.

We still can’t have closest to the pin and longest putt prizes. To start the year, we plan to have weekly prizes for the lowest gross score in each flight. There will be 4 flights, based on handicap. These prizes may change if closest to the pin and long put become available.

New for this year we will be competing for the Gitzel Cup. Similar to the PGA Fedex cup, it will be a season long accumulation of points with prizes awarded at year end. The basis of awarding points is still being refined.

We will also have the Ringer Board competition again this year. The Gitzel Cup and the Ringer Board will have 4 divisions, based on handicap.

Steven Knebel

Steven passed away suddenly and unexpectedly on August 5th, 2020 at the age of 66, while he was golfing in the Senior Men's Club Championship at Victoria Golf Course. Steven is survived by his wife of 34 years, Cindy, and their two children, Alex (Reggie) and Brett (Jessica), as well as his siblings Suellen, Lu-Anne, and Murray. He is predeceased by his parents, Gordon and Marilyn. The Victoria Senior Mens’ Golf Club will be changing the name of our Senior Mens’ Low Gross Club Championship Trophy to the Steve Knebel Memorial Trophy

Steve Knebel.jpg

COVID-19 Update

Until further notice, all Municipal Golf Course facilities (including Victoria Clubhouse, Riverside Clubhouse, Riverside Ladies Lounge, Riverside Tournament Shelter and Rundle Park Clubhouse) shall be considered closed and unavailable for use as venues to host welcome events, registration events or any other group meetings for the leagues.

At this time, the Pro Shops will remain closed until the golf courses are ready for play or until permitted to open by the City of Edmonton administration.

20 Must Know Rules of Golf Changes for 2019

1.         Drop from knee height (NOT shoulder height)

2.         Measure the area to drop in with the longest club in your bag (except a putter)

3.         Drop in and play from the relief area

4.         When dropping back-on-the-line, your ball cannot be played from nearer the hole than your chosen reference point

5.         Time to search - 3 minutes (NOT 5 minutes)

6.         If you accidentally move your ball when searching for it, replace it without penalty

7.         No penalty for a double hit - it only counts as one stroke

8.         No penalty if your ball hits you or your equipment accidentally after a stroke

9.         No penalty if your ball strikes the flagstick when you have chosen to leave it in the hole

10.     Spike mark and other shoe damage on the putting green can be repaired

11.     Ball accidentally moved on putting green - no penalty and replace

12.     Ball marked, lifted and replaced on putting green is moved by wind to another position - replace ball on the original spot

13.     Penalty areas replace water hazards, and you can move loose impediments, ground your club and take practice swings in penalty areas without penalty,just as you can on the fairway or in the rough

14.     You can't take relief from a penalty area unless you are at least 95% certain your ball is in the penalty area

15.     In bunkers you can move loose impediments

16.     In bunkers you cannot touch the sand with your club in the area right in front of or right behind your ball, during your backswing or in taking practice swings

17.     Free relief is allowed if your ball is embedded on the fairway or in the rough (but

"embedded" means that part of your ball is below the level of the ground)

18.     Unplayable ball in bunker - extra option to drop outside the bunker for 2 penalty strokes

19.     You cannot have your caddie or your partner standing behind you once you begin taking your stance

20.     Pace of Play - it is recommended that you take no longer than 40 seconds to make a stroke (and usually you should be able to play more quickly than that) and Ready Golf in stroke play is encouraged

These changes are explained in more detail in the Rules Essentials videos which are coming soon to www.randa.org. Alternatively, read the PLAYER'S EDITION of the Rules of Golf or visit www.randa.org to learn more.

Gord Gitzel Presents Geneva Coulter With a $1000 Scholarship Cheque

Geneva Coulter has a physical handicap ( Avascular Necrosis / bad hip ) but plays golf  using a power cart. She also plays sledge hockey for the Alberta Girls and the Canadian National Girls sledge team, as well as coaching and mentoring youth all over Alberta. 
Geneva has participated in debates with 300 other high school students on  global issues such as increasing technological access to third world countries and the rights of indigenous people around the world.
Geneva is a motivated individual who has a plan for an education in Kinesiology at the U of A.

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