Golf Course                             Victoria Golf Course (12130 River Valley Road)
Age Limit                                  55 and older
Day of Regular Play                 Wednesday
Tee Times                                8:00 - 10:30 in May & Sept
                                                      7:30 - 10:00 in Jun, Jul & Aug
Fee                                           $110
Total Members                         136
Registration Deadline              Apr 19, 2025
To Register: click here

Green Fees
Weekly rounds are played at the regular green fee or you can purchase a discount card for 10% to 20% off regular green fees, plus other benefits. There are 23 rounds of league play per year.

For more information about the Victoria Senior Men's Golf League, please contact: Gord Gitzel at 780-436-8756, or send an email using the form on the Contact page.

To promote the game of golf in accordance with the policy and rules of Golf Canada.

To operate as a not for profit organization.

To promote Senior Men’s golf at the Club through fostering friendship, being respectful of each other and encouraging good sportsmanship among all members.

Membership is open to male amateur golfers as defined by Golf Canada that are 55 year of age before May  1. He shall be considered a member in good standing once annual membership fees are paid in full and he has established a handicap.

Refund for cancellation of membership fee paid shall be minus the portion paid to the RCGA plus one fifth (1/5) of the remaining fee per each month in which the player took part in any Club event.

All Members shall abide and respect the Club bylaws, established rules, policies and procedures. Members shall not disrupt meetings or functions of the Club; disrupt or cause harm to the Club, or any of its members, or any golf course staff, equipment or property. Members in breach of these bylaws may be subject to suspension and/or cancellation of Club membership.

The affairs of the Club shall be administered by an elected Executive Committee.

Subject to the Bylaws, the Executive Committee:
Maintains accurate records and proceedings of all meetings, of all policies, of all financial records, of these Bylaws and amended Bylaws and other matters necessary for the operation of the Club.

The Executive Committee shall consist of the following positions:
President.................................................................Gary Maitland
Past President........................................................Dave Redden
Vice President.......................................................None
Treasurer..................................................…............Bruce Lane                                         
Past Treasurer.........................................…...........Dave McLean
Handicap Coordinator/Sports Captain.........Gord Gitzel
Junior Senior Tournament Coordinator....….None

Each member in good standing of the Club is eligible to be elected or appointed to the Executive Committee.

At the Fall Annual General Meeting, the voting members in good standing elect members to vacant positions on the Executive Committee.

The term of office for elected positions shall be two (2) years, with the exception of the Past President who has the option of stepping down after one year.

It is assumed that the Vice President will become the President. However, if he cannot take on the role, then another member of the Executive Committee may be elected as President.

The President shall be the Chair of the Executive Committee and the Club, and as such, provide reasonable advance notice regarding executive and general meetings, preside at all meetings, provide leadership, keep order and maintain progress in line with the agenda and schedule. The President shall provide support and assistance to other officers, liaise as necessary with the Senior Men’s Club Executive, and perform other duties relevant in meeting the Club’s objectives. He reports to the membership and Executive Committee.

Past President - The Past President shall attend meetings and provide guidance and assistance to the Executive Committee.

Vice President - The Vice President presides at meetings in the President’s absence. The Vice President shall coordinate the Nomination Committee by soliciting nominations from the membership and ensuring the nominee is prepared to accept the nomination. He shall recommend for election at least one candidate for each vacancy on the Executive Committee. The Vice President presents a slate of nominees for election at the Annual General Meeting.

The Treasurer shall maintain and protect the financial assets and records of the club. The Treasurer receives membership registrations and collects membership fees. He shall collaborate with other Executive Members to exchange information on members. The Treasurer pays expenses for the operation and maintenance of the Club. He shall have two members in good standing conduct an internal audit of the Club’s finances each year. The Treasurer reports to the Executive Committee and membership on revenues and expenditures. Records must be kept for a minimum of seven (7) years.

Handicap Coordinator - The Handicap Coordinator assists members in establishing and maintaining an accurate and current handicap by entering all rounds, using an approved handicap system. He liaises with the Golf Canada /AGA. He monitors members’ handicap records for compliance and coordinates as necessary with the Sports Captain to ensure fair competition. He shall collaborate with other Executive Members to exchange information on members. He reports to the membership and the Executive Committee.

Sports Captain - The Sports Captain is responsible for planning and implementing the season’s golf events for the Club. He prepares and presents the golf schedule for the season; coordinates the weekly sign-in process, prepares the weekly draw and posts and distributes the draw to members, compiles and posts results. The Sports Captain organizes club competitions and tournaments; procures and presents club trophies and awards. He liaises as necessary with Executive members and the Senior Men’s Club Executive. He reports to the membership and Executive Committee on policies, procedures and rules implemented for club events. He collaborates with other Executive members to exchange information on members. The Sports Captain may establish and chair a sub-committee and recruit members to assist in fulfilling his assigned duties.

Interclub Captain - He is on the Senior Interclub Executive committee for 3 years. During the second year, he will participate in organizing the wind up Senior Interclub tournament, and serve as the President, Treasurer, or Secretary of the Senior Interclub league. He will attend the spring organizing meeting of the Senior Interclub and negotiate play dates with the other clubs in D division for our teams. He will determine who will play on A team and B team and pick alternates for each team from the Interclub tryouts in May. He will notify the Senior Interclub Executive of the players and alternates for Victoria as soon as they are selected. He will compose a list of A team player and A team alternates with phone numbers and a home and away play date list for Interclub games and distribute it to these players. He will report the results of each weeks games to the Senior Interclub statistician and post the weekly results on the locker room bulletin board so all club members can see how our club is doing. He will appoint a team captain for each team and be sure that arrangements for alternates are made if a team member can not play on a play date.

Junior-Senior Tournament Chair - He meets with Junior Senior committee volunteers and delegates who will purchase the prizes for the tournament. He meets with the Senior Men's Club Treasurer to determine how much will be spent on prizes. He will encourage Victoria Men's Club members to sign up to play with a Junior. He checks with the food services people to ensure that all is in order with the banquet room date and food order is in place. He will make contact with the Junior club golfers to get their handicaps, if possible. He will determine what trophies are to be presented to the two category winners ( handicap, no handicap ). He will record the names of the winners ( both Junior, and Senior so plaques can be added to the trophies ). He checks on the Scholarship award process to see if this will part of the Junior Senior Banquet.